chamber ensemble


  • petal by petal - for solo harp and laptop; 2018
  • what emerges from your hiding places - for solo cello; 2017
  • improvisation for cello and electronics no. 1 - for cello and max patch; 2017
  • improvisation for cello and electronics no. 2 - for cello and effects pedal; 2017


  • She Holds the Sun in Her Mouth - for mezzo soprano and harp; 2018
  • Refraction Samples - for baritone saxophone and piano; 2016 
  • duo for violin and cello no. 2 - 2016
  • duo for violin and cello no. 1 - 2016
  • nothing gold - for voice and piano; 2015

large ensemble

  • not in silence, but restraint  - for solo horn, clarinet, flute, violin, viola, cello, double bass, and percussion; 2017


  • petal by petal - for harp and live electronics; 2018
  • what is dark is not always lightless - for violin, cello, flute, bass clarinet, piano, percussion, and transducer speakers; 2017


  • Vier Kliene Klavierstücke für Große Orchester - Franz Lisz; for full orchestra, 2017
  • I Felt a Funeral in my Brain - Aaron Copland; for string orchestra, 2016
  • 6 Bagatelles - György Ligeti; for wind quintet, 2015